Interested in selling your Fresenius NNN property or Fresenius lease property and was wondering what you can get for it in today’s changing market?

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Additional information Fresenius Properties
Fresenius was founded in 1912 in Bad Homburg, Germany.
The company’s name refers to the Latin word “frenatus,” meaning “to restrain.”
Leading suppliers of goods and services for those with chronic renal failure include Fresenius.
The company’s most popular products include dialysis machines, dialyzers, and related disposable products.
Fresenius is a subsidiary of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, a German healthcare conglomerate.
Fresenius History
Fresenius was founded in 1912 in Bad Homburg, Germany. The company’s name refers to the Latin word “frenatus,” meaning “to restrain.” Fresenius is a market leader as a top supplier of goods and services for those with chronic renal failure. The company’s most popular products include dialysis machines, dialyzers, and related disposable products.