NNN Tire Kingdom Property located at 6602 Gunn Highway Tampa, FL. Tire Kingdom Property is Corporately Guarnteed by TBC Corporation. This property is situated on a lot size of 1.19 Acres and has a building size of 6,922 Sq ft.
•Long term lease—14.5 Years remaining
•Corporately Guaranteed Lease—U.S. parent company guarantee from TBC Corporation plus a guarantee from Sumitomo ofAmerica, the parent of TBC Corporation.
•Absolute NNN Lease – Zero Landlord Responsibilities
•Strong Demographics with 89,172 population in a 3 mile radi-us, and a $95,032 Average Household Income in a 3 mile ra-dius
•Rent bumps Every 5 years based on the CPI
•Dense Residential area with over 226,005 population in a 5Mile Radius and located 1 mile from Citrus Park Mall and aWalmart Super Center
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