Triple Net Investment Group is pleased to present Dollar General located in Springdale, AR . Dollar General has over 4 years left on its primary NNN Lease. Base rent is fixed for the initial term of the lease and tenant has 5 (5) year options to renew with 10% rent increases in each option period. Populated area with population of 112k in five miles and high traffic counts of over 21k per day. The tenant is responsible for all maintenance of the property, insurance and reimburses landlord for taxes. Area national brands includes Circle K, Walmart Super Store, Chevrolet, and Extended Stay America.
Populated area with 112,284 Population in Five Miles Radius
$79,889 Household Income In Five Miles Radius
Lot Size: 1.20 Acres and Building Size: 9,344 S.F
Absolute NNN lease
Corporate Guarantee & S&P BBB– Credit
Traffic Count: 21,105
Low Price point
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