Triple Net Investment Group

Big 5 Sporting Goods Properties For Sale

Interested in selling your Big 5 Sporting Goods NNN property or Big 5 Sporting Goods ground lease and wondering what you can get for it in today’s changing market?

Contact us for a complimentary broker opinion of value for your off market Big 5 Sporting Goods NNN property or Big 5 Sporting Goods Ground lease for 1031 exchange so that you can have the clarity necessary to make an informed sale or hold decision.

We always work with 1031 exchange buyers looking for off market Big 5 Sporting Goods properties to buy and can present you with an offer at a price acceptable to you with a reduced fees so you get the most money for your Big 5 Sporting Goods property.

off market Big 5 Sporting Goods NNN property or Big 5 Sporting Goods Ground lease for 1031 exchange

Name   Big 5 Sporting Goods
Publicly owned corporation
Industry sporting goodsand outdoor gear
Founded 1955(founded by Maury Liff, original home office Hawthorne, CA)
Headquarters El Segundo, CA,California,United States
Number of locations
420  [1]
Key people
Steven G. Miller,CEO
Revenue US$897M(FY 2011)  [2]
US$34.2M(FY 2011)  [2]
US$20.6M(FY 2011)  [2]
Total assets US$392M(FY 2011)  [3]
Total equity US$151M(FY 2011)  [3]
Number of employees
9,500  [4]

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